Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Outsiders Chapters 1-3 Due Friday

On Friday students will be handing in their Novel Study Journal for the Outsiders. Here is a checklist as to what is due for Chapters 1-3:
* All comprehension questions for Chpt 1-3 written in complete sentences with pages numbers where evidence from book has been found.
* Short chapter titles and a paragraph for each that explains why their title is relevant, interesting, and doesn't give too much away.
* Timeline jot notes to be used later to generate timeline for novel.
* Vocabulary definitions for chapters 2,3
* Plot Prediction Diagrams for chapters 2,4 (predict what will happen in each of them based off of the previous chapter(s))
* Flashback paragraph - why used in chapter 2
* Book prediction paragraph - what is this book about based on front and back cover
Some students have used their classtime wisely and have completed all of their work in class. I was sick two days this week and the guest teachers gave the students two full periods to just complete their work.
Tomorrow we move onto chapter 4 so no more class time will be give to the first section of work.


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