Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tests Old and New

Tomorrow we will be having our first Outsiders Quiz. There will be 17 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions on Chapters 1 to 3.
Going home today are the student's Scale Drawings Tests which need to be signed and their English memoir which also needs to be returned signed to go into the student's portfolios.
We had a Sales Tax, Discount, and Commission CheckUp yesterday which was marked and handed back to the students. This is not a for marks quiz but a for help quiz. From the quiz I have listed the students who experienced some difficulty and we will be having a short Math Club tomorrow at recess for extra help. We will be having a unit test next week so I want to make sure the students get a better understanding before then.
Reminders that next week is a short week with Friday as a PD Day and the new Interm Progress Reports will be coming home early in the week.

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