Sunday, November 27, 2011

Outsiders Chapter 7 Tasks & Questions

Chapter 7 Tasks & Questions
1. Plot Prediction Diagram
2. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph
3. Timeline Jot Notes
4. Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter: drawled, gleefully, brawn, genuine, assured
5. Complete Venn Diagram for comparing and contrasting Socs & Greasers (use Chapters 1 through 7 for information)
6. Questions
a) What condition is Johnny in after the fire?
b) Why would being crippled be worse for Johnny than someone else?
c) What was Bob's 'real' problem, according to Randy?
d) Why did Pony think it was better to see Socs as "just guys"? What do you think he means by this?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Old Outsiders Questions Chapters 4-5

For some of the students who have misplaced their Outsiders Tasks for Chapters 4 & 5.

Chapters 4 & 5 Tasks & Questions
1. Plot Prediction Diagram for Chapter 5 to 6
2. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph for Chapter 4 and 5
3. Timeline Jot Notes for Chapter 4 and 5
4. Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter: bewildering, premonition, gallant, eluded
5. Questions
a) Using a dictionary define irony in your own words. From movies, tv, or your own experience think of three ironic situations and describe them.
b) Irony is a happening or development in a story that is opposite to appropriate or expected result. Explain why Pony’s statement, “My dream’s come true and I’m in the country,” is ironic. (pg 63 but also take a peek at page 48)
c) What does Pony mean when he says, “There are things worse than being a greaser”?
d) What does Johnny mean when he says, “I swear, Ponyboy, you’re getting’ to act more like Two-Bit every day”?
e) What does Pony mean when he says, “I liked my books and clouds and sunsets”?


Monday, November 21, 2011

New Music Classes On Tuesday

Mrs.Lance is very happy to be able to offer our class another Music class on Tuesdays at the end of the day. This class will be special as we get to share it with Mrs. Tylers' grade 8's. That's one big jazz band! So don't forget your instruments on Tuesdays - it is also band day.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Hooray - Novel Study 1 Completed!

This week was a busy week for the grade 8 class at South Branch. They had both a major novel study due today and a big Math test. I was very pleased at the high percentage of students who turned in their completed novel study on time today (over 85% - a very good success rate). I know many students had been working hard on completing this assignment on time and that a number of them even completed it early. This was hopefully a good experience in time management for them as they had to schedule their time so that they had their novel read and the assignments completed without having to rush it at the end. This project format will be similar when their are assigned their Science Fair Project later in December.

The Math test seemed to go well today, most students found it long but were familiar with the Math enough that they really didn't need too much extra time to complete it.

In Art we are working on a water colour project from the site A Faithful Attempt. It involves birch trees, fall colours, and masking tape. Many of the students' works are beginning to look very good. Students also handed in their line art project this week and I hope to have them scanned and added to our website as many teachers and students have complimented on them as they walk past them in the hall. One of the main things I hope to teach the students through art is that like everything it takes time and patience to produce a good work, that to produce the best you can you need to listen to feedback and incorporate it, and finally that you can't limit yourself by your own disbelief in your abilities. To me art is not just about drawing pictures on a page and it is great when I see the students embracing these ideas in art class and producing some really good pieces.

I would like to thank the parents who showed up for our interviews last night and I look forward to next set of interviews next week. If you requested a phone or email update I will be calling or emailing you next week to touch base about your child's progress.

No homework this weekend as they have worked pretty hard this week in class (except if you are one of the ones who still owe a novel study or haven't finished Outsiders Chapters 4 & 5 Questions and Tasks). Enjoy!

Many thanks and I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mr. B.

Outsiders Chapter 6 Tasks

Chapters 6 Tasks & Questions
1. Plot Prediction Diagram for Chapter 6 to 7
2. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph for Chapter 6
3. Timeline Jot Notes for Chapter 6
Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter: doggedly, cinders, hoarsely, plasma, billfold, horrified
4. Questions
a) Who is spying for the Greasers? Why do you think he/she is doing this?
b) Johnny states, “I got a good chance of being let off easy.” What does he mean?
c) From a Greaser’s point of view, what character flaw does Johnny possess?
d) Why does Ponyboy feel responsible for the fire?
e) What does Dally say when he sees Ponyboy leaning out the window after dropping a boy to safety?
f) What is Johnny’s condition after the fire?
5. Big Question
What's your own definition of a hero?
Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes, according to your definition? Explain.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Test Coming Home for Signing

Just so you know the first science test of the season is coming home for a signature. The test was on the Scientific Process which we had been looking at for a number of weeks. We had used cooperative groups to study the steps and then did numerous activities in class prior to the test. The students had a question and answer sheet from which I chose the test questions from, so each student should have done fairly well. For those students who did not achieve the expected level I have decided to give a retest next week (this is not a usual occurence). Please sign the tests and return them to the school so that I can add it to the student's portfolio.

Just a reminder that I need all of the progress reports signed and returned to the school by Friday. I will be copying the returned progress reports with the student's reflection on it and returning a copy home for your records. I believe it is important that the students as well as the teacher have a copy of the reflection as it shows the student's plan for future success and improvement.

Many thanks

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Progress Reports

Yesterday the school has sent home your child's Progress Report for your viewing and signature. Each student is expected to review the report (especially the Next Steps) to see how they are progressing so far this year. Each subject that has been covered is given one of three levels of achievement - Progressing Well, Very Well, and With Difficulty. This is to let the parent know how the student is doing in general terms without attaching a specific grade level to it. Many students at this point in the year are Progressing Well. However, some may be having some difficulty in learning some of the new concepts in class and need seek extra help or to put more effort into their work in order to raise their achievement levels.
In February the students will receive their first term report cards which will include a grade for each subject(including work that has been covered prior to the progress reports).
A communication letter was sent home with the report as well. At this time in the school year I don't feel that all students need a face to face interview as they have already been demonstrating good study habits and work in class. Some students have a teacher requested interview scheduled for next Thursday so that we can discuss how to best prepare the student for success for the rest of the year. If parents wish to touch base but were not scheduled by me for an interview you have the options of a telephone call, email, or a face to face interview if it is desired.
If I cannot fit your interview within the scheduled time next Thursday I will make alternate arrangements so that we can still meet. I feel that the early year interview are the best way to set straight any bad habits or behaviour for the rest of the year.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Many Thanks
Mr. Brooks