Friday, November 18, 2011

Outsiders Chapter 6 Tasks

Chapters 6 Tasks & Questions
1. Plot Prediction Diagram for Chapter 6 to 7
2. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph for Chapter 6
3. Timeline Jot Notes for Chapter 6
Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter: doggedly, cinders, hoarsely, plasma, billfold, horrified
4. Questions
a) Who is spying for the Greasers? Why do you think he/she is doing this?
b) Johnny states, “I got a good chance of being let off easy.” What does he mean?
c) From a Greaser’s point of view, what character flaw does Johnny possess?
d) Why does Ponyboy feel responsible for the fire?
e) What does Dally say when he sees Ponyboy leaning out the window after dropping a boy to safety?
f) What is Johnny’s condition after the fire?
5. Big Question
What's your own definition of a hero?
Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes, according to your definition? Explain.

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