Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Progress Reports

Yesterday the school has sent home your child's Progress Report for your viewing and signature. Each student is expected to review the report (especially the Next Steps) to see how they are progressing so far this year. Each subject that has been covered is given one of three levels of achievement - Progressing Well, Very Well, and With Difficulty. This is to let the parent know how the student is doing in general terms without attaching a specific grade level to it. Many students at this point in the year are Progressing Well. However, some may be having some difficulty in learning some of the new concepts in class and need seek extra help or to put more effort into their work in order to raise their achievement levels.
In February the students will receive their first term report cards which will include a grade for each subject(including work that has been covered prior to the progress reports).
A communication letter was sent home with the report as well. At this time in the school year I don't feel that all students need a face to face interview as they have already been demonstrating good study habits and work in class. Some students have a teacher requested interview scheduled for next Thursday so that we can discuss how to best prepare the student for success for the rest of the year. If parents wish to touch base but were not scheduled by me for an interview you have the options of a telephone call, email, or a face to face interview if it is desired.
If I cannot fit your interview within the scheduled time next Thursday I will make alternate arrangements so that we can still meet. I feel that the early year interview are the best way to set straight any bad habits or behaviour for the rest of the year.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Many Thanks
Mr. Brooks

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