Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Old Outsiders Questions Chapters 4-5

For some of the students who have misplaced their Outsiders Tasks for Chapters 4 & 5.

Chapters 4 & 5 Tasks & Questions
1. Plot Prediction Diagram for Chapter 5 to 6
2. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph for Chapter 4 and 5
3. Timeline Jot Notes for Chapter 4 and 5
4. Vocabulary - Find the meaning for the following words in this chapter: bewildering, premonition, gallant, eluded
5. Questions
a) Using a dictionary define irony in your own words. From movies, tv, or your own experience think of three ironic situations and describe them.
b) Irony is a happening or development in a story that is opposite to appropriate or expected result. Explain why Pony’s statement, “My dream’s come true and I’m in the country,” is ironic. (pg 63 but also take a peek at page 48)
c) What does Pony mean when he says, “There are things worse than being a greaser”?
d) What does Johnny mean when he says, “I swear, Ponyboy, you’re getting’ to act more like Two-Bit every day”?
e) What does Pony mean when he says, “I liked my books and clouds and sunsets”?


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