Friday, November 18, 2011

Hooray - Novel Study 1 Completed!

This week was a busy week for the grade 8 class at South Branch. They had both a major novel study due today and a big Math test. I was very pleased at the high percentage of students who turned in their completed novel study on time today (over 85% - a very good success rate). I know many students had been working hard on completing this assignment on time and that a number of them even completed it early. This was hopefully a good experience in time management for them as they had to schedule their time so that they had their novel read and the assignments completed without having to rush it at the end. This project format will be similar when their are assigned their Science Fair Project later in December.

The Math test seemed to go well today, most students found it long but were familiar with the Math enough that they really didn't need too much extra time to complete it.

In Art we are working on a water colour project from the site A Faithful Attempt. It involves birch trees, fall colours, and masking tape. Many of the students' works are beginning to look very good. Students also handed in their line art project this week and I hope to have them scanned and added to our website as many teachers and students have complimented on them as they walk past them in the hall. One of the main things I hope to teach the students through art is that like everything it takes time and patience to produce a good work, that to produce the best you can you need to listen to feedback and incorporate it, and finally that you can't limit yourself by your own disbelief in your abilities. To me art is not just about drawing pictures on a page and it is great when I see the students embracing these ideas in art class and producing some really good pieces.

I would like to thank the parents who showed up for our interviews last night and I look forward to next set of interviews next week. If you requested a phone or email update I will be calling or emailing you next week to touch base about your child's progress.

No homework this weekend as they have worked pretty hard this week in class (except if you are one of the ones who still owe a novel study or haven't finished Outsiders Chapters 4 & 5 Questions and Tasks). Enjoy!

Many thanks and I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mr. B.

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