Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Upcoming Work (Snow Day and Beyond)

I have assigned some Math work for the students in case of a snow day tomorrow (some were aghast that I would ruin their snow day with work...). We are doing a real quick mini unit on circles this week as we had already been exposed to some of the vocabulary and formulas while working on our previous UFO Kite Project. Monday we covered diameter and radius, today was circumference, and tomorrow or Thursday we will cover area of circles. Students now have a bookmark which they should use to help solve today's work. In class we did pg 245 #1-8 and they were given 6.1 and 6.2 Homework Practice sheets to work on tomorrow. If there is no snow day then the practice pages will be used for review prior to the test on Friday. There will be no permanent negative side effects if the students decide to go ahead and do extra practice.
Next Monday students have a Geography assignment due where they are comparing population, land area, and population density. We have worked on it in class and each group will have one more class period to work on it. I have modelled an example of how the comparison should be done and most students have completed their templates which help them organize and compare their country's information.
Students used the CIA World Factbook to retrieve their own countries information and then exchanged their information with two other students in the class. They are to use the note down in class How to Compare Numbers to help in comparing the data from all of the countries. Students need to hand in a good copy and their marked up and edited rough draft.
If you have any questions please email me.
Mr. Brooks

Friday, November 15, 2013

Been a While


Well it has been a while since my last blog so I do apologize if anyone has been going through <crickets chirping>withdrawal </crickets chirping>.

Next week the students will be handing in their UFO Kite Project that we have been working on in class for the last two weeks. Students have had Math, MSIP, and some Science classes to work on this project. We have gone through all the steps in class and if students have used their time wisely and listened to the mini lessons and examples then all they should have to do is write up their solution and work in good copy. I have attached a link to the assignment on Google Drive if students have not brought theirs home or if you are curious to what the project consists of. Note: the copy uploaded is a little different than the one assignment as a few typos and clarifications have been added. This is the first group of students that I have tried my new project with so I am using their feedback to revise it as we go.
Graph Paper (1 cm x 1 cm)

A Scale Drawing quiz went home for signatures this week and some students did not do as well as hoped so I held a Math Club on Thursday and gave a makeup assignment to help raise their marks. The makeup assignment is due next Tuesday. Some parents have asked about review for quizzes and I do make sure we go through a set a review questions before any quiz or test. I also hold Math Clubs before any quizzes or tests to make sure that students are prepared. If you are ever looking for more review you can refer to the textbook as there is extra questions for each unit found in the review of the chapter and also at the back of the book. I often encourage students to take a math question previously done and change the numbers to go over it again. I also encourage students to make up their own questions and pose them to their friends or classmates as often making up and solving questions is harder than just solving them.

I am still marking the unit test for Science and hope to have those sent home at the end of next week. In Science we are starting the Fluids unit which as a number of interesting labs and projects that we will explore throughout the year (pneumatics on mousetrap cars and bottle rockets).

In Geography students have randomly selected a country in the world and will be doing research which mirrors the lessons being taught in class. They have started working on a population density assignment where they will be comparing their country to Canada and two others found in class. This assignment will be worked on in class next week and we are focusing on how to use numbers for support in the analysis of their country.

Please return any outstanding assignments and tests that have been signed and any interview request forms that were sent home with the Progress Reports.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.
Mr. Brooks

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test Results and Math Club Next Week

Just a follow up regarding the Math test coming home today.

Next week I will be having a Math Club (date to be confirmed) at recess so to help a number of students with areas they had difficulty with on the test. The students who need to attend will have it commented on their tests. In Math Club we will work to raise the students marks on the tests.

While some students truly have difficulty in Math other students are experiencing difficulty because they don't practice their math skills at home when homework is assigned and/or they don't prepare for the test by studying (or studying incorrectly). In the next little while I will be taking time to go over good study techniques that apply to all the subjects I teach. Today I stressed to the students that they cannot just walk into a test or quiz and do well. Everyone should prepare.

While writing the Geography quiz today I saw a number of students in 8A and 8B who had not studied for the quiz and they were having a lot of difficulty with what should have been a rather quick quiz. I would ask that the parents help remind students to take time to study (without distractions).

I have a number of parents inquire as to how long students have to get ready for a test. I will never give a test or quiz without at least 3 days notice and usually a weeks notice is given so that a weekend is available and I will have time to offer a help session. As previously noted I gave two help sessions before the last Math test which few took advantage of. Please check the website www.mrbrooks.ca or Twitter @mrrobertbrooks to keep up to date. The whiteboard in the classroom is updated daily with the upcoming work and events.

If you have any questions or concerns please email.

Mr. Brooks

PS I would also like to thank 8Z and 8Y for their wonderful singing today, it was very appreciated ;)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Math results for the Prime Factorization and Order of Operation tests will be coming home tomorrow for parental signatures. I will be going over the tests with some of the students who had difficulty on certain parts. Please take a look at the test and sign the bottom of the reflection page. The students are to fill in the last two questions under the signatures. If you have any questions please email.

Tomorrow is the first Geography quiz. It has been on the white board since last week and has been posted on the website as well. Students should be reviewing their notes and mind map templates about the Canadian Settlement Patterns. It is a short quiz in which most should do well if they have been paying attention in class, working on their mind maps, and review their notes.

I have moved the deadline for the finished mind maps in Geography (see previous post) until next Tuesday due to some technical difficulty in the computer lab. I did get an extra period for each class this week in the lab and was in both recesses today for students who wanted to work on it. I will be making myself available tomorrow first recess and lunch as well for anyone who wishes to have extra time to work on it.

Hope everyone has a good long weekend and enjoys Thanksgiving.

Not the right kind of turkey...


Thursday, October 3, 2013

First Math Test Tomorrow


Tomorrow most students will be having their first Math test in our class. Other students will be having individualized tests later next week. This test will cover the work done so far on problem solving (unit 1.1), prime factorization(1.2), and order of operations(1.3) with expressions. Students were given yesterday and today to go over a series of review questions. They were allowed to pick and choose which ones they wanted to work on based on their section in the unit that they might have had the most difficulty with. I assigned textbook questions yesterday and then provided extra practice questions today for students who wished to practice more. The students have the answers to the review questions so they can check their work.

I have offered two Math Clubs this week during morning recess where students could get extra help and practice before the test. On Tuesday it was pretty lonely as no one attended. Today however I was pleased to see a number of students show up to go over some of the work.

This time Math Club was a choice as I wanted to see which students would take the initiative to come on their own if they needed help. There were a number of students who should have made that choice but did not attend so they might be having some difficulty tomorrow. In the future Math Club will be compulsory for certain students if they seem to be struggling.

Today we also talked about how the test will be set up and how they will be expected to show and organize all of their work for the short answer and word problem questions. I went over how it was going to be marked and the reflection sheet they are expected to fill out prior to writing the test.

Once the tests are marked (mid week next week hopefully) I will be sending they home for signatures and be putting them into the students portfolios.

If you have any questions please email.

Mr. Brooks

Monday, September 30, 2013

Geography Assignment

A mind map on mind mapping...

The students have their first geography assignment due at the end of next week. They are creating a mind map on the computer using a reading assigned in class regarding the history and patterns of Canadian settlement.

I had provided the students with the main ideas presented in the article and showed where the information for each idea could be found. We had also read the article out loud in the classroom and discussed what the important information was to highlight. The students have completed their templates that were provided in class (3 given to work on it) and I provided many clues as to how to organize their information.

With the templates completed some students were able to get the majority of their information into the computer in one class. 8A and 8B will have two classes this week and maybe one next week to complete this assignment. We have also gone over the characteristics of mind maps and how they will be graded. You can see a copy of the mind map rubric I will be using below.

This mind map will be graded and is to be used when studying for their first Geography quiz.

Here are some resources to help understand how this learning tool works and may be useful for future projects.

Links regarding mind maps:
Tony Buzan expert on mind mapping

http://www.mindmeister.com/ (online tool)
http://www.inspiration.com/ (free trial ver) *This is the tool we are using at school.
The ipad also has free apps available for this.

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email.
Mr. Brooks

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week of September 23rd

This is delayed weekly update and an early week in the review.

Last week was a busy week in class as we really started working in Math on a new concept of prime factorization. We started by reviewing concepts covered in previous years and then moved onto the new math concepts. This was the first week that I did a homework check to see if the students completed their work. I won't be collecting work that was assigned for homework very often but I will be checking to see if it is done and then using it as a discussion piece as we go over problems encountered in class.

Homework is meant to be practice and often those who practice do better when being tested on their skills. I strongly encourage the students to check their work with the answers in the textbook for a number of reasons; to see if they are on the right track, to use the answer to work backwards when stuck, and to know when to ask questions when in class. All students are to show their steps in an organized way when solving multi step problems. A newer part of the math curriculum is for the students to be able to explain the steps they take when solving problems.

In Geography we have started to work on planning our first mind map on Patterns of Canadian Settlement. We are reading an article as a class and I have provided the students with a template to help they organize the important information before they create the mind map. I have booked two computer classes for next week which should allow the students plenty of time to complete the branches of their mind maps (if their templates are done).

In Science we have started to work on a collaborative research project where the students have to become experts on one of the steps of the scientific process by working with other experts. They then must teach the other students in the group about their topic. At the end all the experts will have shared their information and we will review the entire process as a class. This understanding of the scientific process will be very useful when they start their science fair project in the new year.

Wednesday: Cross Country Team away at meet
Thursday: Twoonie for Terry, Terry Fox run Thursday morning for grades 7 & 8
Thursday: Glow Dance $3/$5 at the door with/without a student card
Friday: NGDHS Spirit Day and Football Game in afternoon, wear your Red and Black

For the Glow Dance on Thursday students will be making their tshirts on Tuesday afternoon. The cost of the tshirt is included in the cover fee at the dance. Students who purchased a student card will pay $3 and others will pay $5. If a student does not wish to attend the dance they can go to a games room during that time. If students have outstanding work owed to their teachers they will have to finish the work in the work room prior to being allowed to attend the dance.

Thanks and I hope you have a good week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Open House for Grade 7 & 8's


Just a reminder that NGDHS will be hosting an Open House/Meet the Teacher night this coming Monday, Sept 23rd from 5:30-6:30. This is an informal affair where the parents are invited to come and take a look at the school with their children and to meet the teachers. This is not meant to be an interview but rather a chance to put faces to names and to see your childrens' learning environment. If you should want a more in depth conversation please feel free to contact the teacher to set up an time at a later date.

I do hope to meet most of my students' parents (a few I already know from siblings) as I believe that it is an important part of a partnership between the student, parents, and teacher. If you are unable to attend that evening please feel free to email me at mr.robert.brooks@gmail.com to introduce yourself and touch base.

Thanks and I hope to see you Monday,
Mr. Brooks

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2 Wrap Up


The first FULL week of school (and it did seem full) might have ended on Friday the 13th but it was a good week all in all. This week we continued to work as a class to learn more about each other and I have now a better understanding of many of our members. I will be making a new seating plan next week to make sure that the students have the best learning environment.

In Math this week we did a diagnostic quiz which will be sent home next week. It is not worth any marks as it is meant to just give me information about what the students already now before we start the first unit. I have also given them a few minor tasks to see where they are at with rounding and their multiplication tables. Throughout the year we will be building on our basic math facts which will help the students as we cover the curriculum. I have not yet assigned math textbooks but I am letting students borrow them if they need to finish their classwork at home.

Our first Math homework was assigned today (pg 6-8 # 1-8) which covers a variety of skills that we will be using when working in Chapter 1 next week. I have told the students not to spend more than 25 min trying to work on it and to come back Monday with any questions they might have so we can take it up.

In Geography we have started studying patterns of settlement by looking at satellite photos to identify the characteristics of the three basic types. We will to looking further into the history of Canadian settlement and will then create a mind map next week.

In Science we are working on our Introduction to Science unit which covers some of the skills and concepts that we will be using all year in science. We had a fun science demonstration with elephant toothpaste but didn't quite get the same results as this...Elephant Toothpaste. Next week we will begin to look at the scientific process.

Please mark September 23 on your calendar as it will be our Open House night here at North Grenville. I hope to be able to meet many parents to put faces to names and have the students show you their classrooms and lockers (good night for an early clean out for some).

Hope you have  good weekend,

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 1 Under Wraps

Well week 1 of the new school year has come to an end! This week was very busy and hectic as we worked through the new school year bugs but hopefully everything will begin to follow a regular routine next week.
I really enjoyed getting to know the students in my classes this week. We have many interesting (in a good way) students in our classroom this year. This week we covered our classroom rules as a class and I have sent home a classroom contract for you and your child to sign. The contract lays out our rules, rewards, and consequences and will be used as our guiding principles in our classroom. The students came up with many examples of what it means to respect yourself, your classmates, and your school. I will be posting a poster in the back of the classroom next week highlighting the top three examples for each of the areas of respect.
Attached to the contract is another letter which outlines our assignment policy that we decided upon as a grade 8 teacher team. Please review this as well and return it signed to the school. I have instructed the students to look it over and ask any questions they might have next week. Basically we are trying to get students to be more responsible for completing their assignments on time. If there is ever a situation where an extension is needed the student only needs to talk to the teacher before the assignment is due to explain their situation.
I have given the students their first bit of home work for the weekend. They are to finish their Coat of Arms so we can display it on our classroom wall. We had class time today to go over the project and to begin work on it.

Again we had a great week and will continue to practice and reinforce our routines so that our classroom runs smoothly.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Brooks

Friday, August 30, 2013

 Hello and welcome to the start of the new school year at North Grenville District High School!

I am Mr. Brooks and I am very happy to be back at our "still looks like new" NGDHS for a second year! Last year was a great year and we have learned lots since moving into our new facility. This year I am again teaching grade 8 Math, Science, Geography, and Gym alongside my teaching partner Mrs.Libby (formerly known as Ms.Fenlong). Mrs.Libby is teaching Language, History, Art, Drama, and Health. We are both joined by Mme.Doucet for French and Mrs. Lance who will be again teaching Instrumental Music.

There will be a newsletter coming home this week which will have a contract on the back that needs to be signed and returned. Each of my and Mrs. Libby's students will be getting a timetable on the first day to show how their classes will be laid out. This year the students will be experiencing more of a rotary experience between Mrs.Libby's classroom and my own which will help prepare them for grade nine next year.

I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your children this year as we work together to create a fun and educational experience for all.  Grade 8 is a busy year for the students as they are preparing to head off to high school and we have much to achieve this year to get them ready for this important step.

Throughout the year I will be sending class newsletters, updating my blog at http://mrbrooksngdhs.blogspot.ca/, and tweeting (@mrrobertbrooks) so to better inform all of you as to what we as a class have achieved and to give notice to upcoming events and activities.
I try to keep communication between the classroom and home by maintaining a website on which I post homework and assignments.  I will be trying to update the website daily at the end of the day– however there will be occasions where this is not possible.  The website is http://www.mrbrooks.ca.  You will be able to view a classroom calendar and an assignment list where major projects will be posted.  I am hoping that this will help in homework completion and improve the lines of communication between the school and home.

I will be doing my best to try and update this blog weekly so that you are aware of what we are doing in class as well as highlighting some of the student's personal achievements.
I look forward to a fun and educational year!

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me via phone at
(613)258-3481 or email at mr.robert.brooks @gmail.com.

Mr. Brooks
Creative Problem Solving (not at its best though...)

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Design and Technology is Coming...


Next week we are starting our first Design and Technology class in grade 8. Each grade 8 class will be getting 4-5 classes in the woodworking shop where we will be constructing mousetrap cars. The grade 7 classes will later be building structures to compliment their science units.

The 8s will be working in pairs to construct a mousetrap car that can travel a minimum of 1 m and carry a cargo load that they will dump using pneumatics. To help with this construction we are looking for the donation of old CDs or DVDs that the students could use as wheels for their cars. All other supplies will be provided.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Friday, February 22, 2013

Science Lab Assignment

This week we did a lab on the flow rate of a variety of substances. This is the assignment outline that I have given the students. Both classes have had some time to work on the assignment this week. It is due on Tuesday.


  • completed table (ruler, calculations)
  • diagram (materials, procedure, colour, labels, action shot)
  • bar graph (Analyze & Evaluate part A, using FLOW RATE)
  • paragraph summary (Analyze & Evaluate part B)
  • title page (lab title, date, class, name)
Paragraph Summary/Conclusion
  • make conclusion regarding relationship between flow rate and residue
  • use evidence from lab (numbers & observations) to prove you are correct
  • use science facts to explain why this happened from 7.3 Flow Rate and Viscosity reading done in class
  • a good answer will be 1-2 paragraphs in length and use both research and evidence to support your conclusion
If you or your child have any questions please email. I will be available at recess on Monday if any help is required.



Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Grade 8 Parent Night will be postponed...

The Grade 8 Parent Night will be postponed one week from Tuesday, January 29 from 6:30 to 7:30 to Tuesday, February 5 from 6:30 to 7:30 - still in the cafetorium.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tests for Signing


Most parents should have already seen and signed the Circles Math test this week. All redo work was collected today so some students could raise their marks by resubmitting some of the problems that caused them problems on the test. Unfortunately not many students took advantage of the extra help that was offered this Wed, Thurs, and Fri at recess. I continue to stress to the students that I am here to help but they need to ask the questions and pose the problems. Despite my best efforts I still cannot read minds.

Overall the Math test went very well with the majority of students demonstrating a good understanding about calculating and using the area, circumference, radius, and diameter of circles.

Today one class' Science test (8A) was sent home for signatures so please sign so we can put them into the student portfolios. Again many students were well prepared for this test as there were many B's and A's on the final grades.

Today also signalled the finale of a busy week as the students completed their Geography tests which will be on the term 1 report cards going home in February. It was a longer test but again students seem to have taken preparing for it seriously and most were able to complete it in the time given.
A reminder that next week has a PD Day on Wednesday and next Friday is the official start to Term 2.

Have a great weekend.
Mr. Brooks

Monday, January 21, 2013

Circle Word Problem

Here is the circle word problem assignment that is due tomorrow. We went over it in class and students had time to work on their rough copy. Tomorrow we are starting our Algebra unit.

Example of Multi-Step ProblemBrett and Emma have 50 meters of plastic edging that is used to enclose (surround) a garden. They want to make the biggest circular garden possible.

What is the radius and diameter of the biggest garden they could make?

What is the circumference of the garden?

What is the area of the garden?

They have a large statue of a garden gnome, to go in the center of the garden, with a circular base. The base has the diameter of 1 meter.

What is the area of the garden they now have to plant in?

They are to add new top soil to the garden and it costs $3.00 per square meter ($3.00/m). How much would the soil cost in total?

Create a word problem that involves but is not limited to the math we have learned in the circles unit (radius, diameter, circumference, area)

Use the textbook and notebook as examples of the types of problems you can incorporate. Don't copy.

The steps should be multi-step meaning that the answer isn't "easy" to get.

You need to print/type the question on one page and include the answer separately on another. All work is to be labelled and neatly laid out. A diagram is to be included in the answer.

Your name, the date, and the title need to be on the top of both pages.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game Day was a Success!

Today the grade 8 students presented their board game projects to the grade 7's in the cafeteria. Each grade 8 was paired up with another presenter and they had to demonstrate, explain, and play their games with 4 or 5 grade 7 students from the other classes. There were 48 grade 8 presenters and almost 100 grade 7's participating.
The 8's did a great job running their game groups and the grade 7's were extremely attentive and seemd to be having fun testing the games out. Ms.Fenlong and myself will be marking the games (for all the included subjects - Math, Writing, Media, & Art) over the next week. Students who were not here today or forgot their games will be presenting to another group of sevens next week at recess.

Here are a few pics of the games and their designers:

Congratulations to the grade 8's for a job well done and all the effort and creativity that was put into these projects!


Science Quiz Tomorrow

There is a science quiz tomorrow on Fluids. Here is the review sheet I gave and went over with students today in class. I also went over the recent questions they had to answer and discussed what might be important for the quiz.

Science Study Sheet – Fluids

The quiz will cover the three sections 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 from the text as well as any material discussed in class. These are the concepts and information you need to study and understand.

Big Ideas from Readings
·         Fluids are everywhere
·         Fluids are important to the human body
·         Categorizing fluids
·         Characteristics of Fluids
·         How fluids move
·         Difference between gas and liquids
·         Particle theory (explain and compare solids, liquids, gases)
·         How things flow
·         Types of flow
·         Turbulence
·         Flow rate and viscosity
·         Speed of flow
·         Factors affecting flow rate
·         Viscosity differences between more and less viscous
·         Cohesion and surface tension
·         Adhesion and Cohesion compared
